Circular - Free Bootstrap Landing Page

Great news! 🔥🔥🔥 We've partenered up with Instamobile to provide you with the best app templates that will help you bootstrap your next project.
5 months ago
What are the essential elements and functionalities of the Circular template, including its design features, customization options, and integration capabilities, that make it suitable for various applications such as promoting apps, services, or startups? Additionally, how does the template ensure responsiveness across different devices and screen sizes, and what tools or resources are available to users for effectively modifying the template to align with their branding and marketing strategies?
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  • Quality check by BootstrapBay
  • Unlimited access to future updates
  • Unlimited support after purchase
  • 1-day response time from BootstrapBay for support requests
  • 30-days money back guarantee

About the Theme
Product Version: 1.1
Bootstrap: 4.1.0
Browsers: chrome, firefox, safari, opera, ie11
Tags: bootstrap 4 landing page, bootstrap 4 theme, scss, portfolio template
Release Date: May 09, 2019
Last Update: May 09, 2019
Downloads: 605