Lazy Kit is a complete design system built on Bootstrap 4. It is created for all web makers that want to get a project off the ground quickly and neatly. It overwrites all Bootstrap 4 components and adds 2 more plugins. It also comes with 3 example pages.
Every component from the kit is documented. Check out the Lazy kit documentation to see live examples and explanations.
Lazy Kit comes with 3 examples that show you what you can build with it.
* Register Page
* Profile Page
* Landing Page
Lazy Kit is built on top of Bootstrap and uses the noUiSlider plugin and Font Awesome icons. You can see the documentation for them here: * Bootstrap 4 * noUiSlider by Léon Gersen (WTFPL License) * FontAwesome Icons
If you have found an issue please report it on Github, under Issues. If you have a technical questions or something it not working while you are trying to integrate the kit, please email us at
Product Version: | 1.1 |
Bootstrap: | 4.3.1 |
Browsers: | chrome, firefox, safari, opera, ie11 |
Tags: | ui kit, design system, bootstrap 4, lazy kit, scss, landing page, profile page, register page |
Release Date: | August 09, 2019 |
Last Update: | August 26, 2019 |
Downloads: | 383 |