Repute is a multipurpose website template based on Bootstrap framework. Save your time, create high quality website faster either for business, corporate, agency or even personal. Repute provides you many options and features to fulfill your website requirements. With on-going development, Repute will have additional options and features in every release update, for free.
It is easy to customize Repute since it's built with developer-friendly and clean-coded in mind. Even better, we provide you extensive documentation to get started or dig more. If you use Sass and Compass, you have a good news because Repute is built with Sass and Compass. If you have any problem using the theme, do not hesitate to reach our support for free.

Sometimes we just throw deals and freebies, so don't forget to follow us

What's new in version 1.3?
- 2 all new blog homepage
- 2 HTML email templates
- Update Bootstrap to v3.3.6
- Update Font Awesome to v4.5.0
- Please see changelog for further details
- Multipurpose use, for business, corporate, agency, personal and more.
- Fullscreen slider, fullscreen image
- Page header and breadcrumbs options
- Footer options
- Simple, clean and elegant design
- Ultra responsive design
- Handcrafted to achieve the best readibility and accessibility
- Working AJAX newsletter form (mailchimp)
- Working contact form
- 8 built-in color skins, creating your color skin is super easy
- One Page template available
- 2 Layout options: Wide and Boxed
- 4 Navigation Bar options: Default, Fixed, Auto Hiding, Fixed and Shrink
- Image slider and attractive carousel
- Responsive HTML email templates
- Many page templates
- 3 level submenu
- Form layouts, fancy form elements, super-easy form validation
- Vimeo and YouTube video embed ready
- Built with Sass and Compass. Well organized HTML, CSS and Javascript files
- Bootstrap 3 compatible
- Pricing Tables
- Isotope Portfolio
- Parallax
- Google fonts
- Custom Tabbed Content
- Google Maps
- HTML5 validated
- 500+ font icons
- Easy to customize
- Free support and updates
- Extensive documentation
Version 1.3, 07-02-2016
- ADDED 2 all new blog homepage
- ADDED 2 html email templates
- UPDATED Bootstrap to v3.3.6
- UPDATED Font Awesome to v4.5.0
- IMPROVED slider, by default now slider in homepage is responsive
- FIXED default and skin styles for buttons
- FIXED search box, added form tag
- FIXED custom tabs bottom right to target correct content pane
- FIXED skin styles for portfolio filter buttons in active state
- REMOVED unnecessary div at social connect element
Version 1.2.1, 23-10-2015
- FIXED missing opening html tag at shop and one-page templates
Version 1.2, 21-10-2015
- ADDED new home page with fullscreen hero unit image and fullscreen slider
- ADDED new menu to showcase theme features: Navigation, Hero Unit, Page Header, Footers
- ADDED fixed-top menu and auto-hiding support on fullscreen slider
- ADDED new hero unit types: Fullscreen Image, Fullscreen Slider, Fullscreen Image (no overlay), Fullscreen Slider (no overlay)
- ADDED new page header types: Minimal Left Aligned, Minimal Center Aligned, Minimal Right Aligned, Page Header With Intro Text, Page Header With Image Background, Page Header With Pattern Background
- ADDED new footer types: Light Minimal, Dark Minimal, Dark Gradient
- ADDED new service set
- FIXED issues on dark header navigation bar
- FIXED animated slider, on firefox animation is disabled after last slide
- FIXED arrow on image gallery for single portfolio page
- FIXED unclickable logo image
- UPDATED misc theme styles to improve look and feel
Version 1.1, 20-08-2015
- ADDED e-commerce/shop templates with skins (shop front page, single product page, shopping cart, checkout, product search result, login and register page)
- ADDED more header and footer options
- ADDED more buttons (outline buttons. no transition buttons, rounded and no rounded buttons )
- ADDED custom tabs bottom (left and right aligned)
- ADDED more form layouts (form with visible label, simple login form, inline form)
- ADDED mega menu
- ADDED my-custom-styles.css for custom development
- UPDATED bootstrap to v3.3.5
- UPDATED fontawesome to v4.4.0
- UPDATED slick carousel to v1.5.7
- FIXED footer heading color
- FIXED contact form (one-page template) action attribute value
- FIXED isotope image height, isotope miscalculate image height because image isn’t loaded yet
- FIXED .hide-first class for show/hide element toggling
- FIXED all slick related container because of the latest slick version. Don’t use .container, instead add new wrapper for example .portfolio-container or .testimonial-container
- FIXED misc: left border radius for input group, decoupled .footer from wrapper, fancy radio button, parallax at one-page
Version 1.0, 18-02-2015